Nominations for the 2025 WA Fire and Emergency Services (WAFES) Awards have been extended by two weeks and now close on Monday 31 March at 9am.
The awards honour and acknowledge the achievements of volunteers, career firefighters and DFES staff throughout Western Australia who have shown outstanding dedication to duty over the past 12 months.
Whether you’re a fellow volunteer, staff member or member of the community, any Western Australian can nominate an individual or group for a WAFES Award.
Those who nominate a successful finalist will receive an invitation to the WAFES Awards gala dinner so take this opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate our exceptional people.
This award recognises an exceptional volunteer firefighter under the age of 28 who has stood out amongst their peers as capable and extraordinary in the last 12 months.
Nominees must be:
Nominations must outline how the nominee’s actions have benefited their teammates, DFES and/or the community and address one or more of the following:
To meet the criteria at least one example must be from a project or incident which occurred after 31 March 2024.
Nominations may also include supporting evidence such as a relevant referee statement/s, photos or videos that help address the criteria and will provide further context for the judging panel.
All nominations must include the name of a supervisor (Brigade, Group or Unit Leader, Area Officer or District Officer) who can endorse and support the nomination claims.
Please note this cannot be the nominator (the person submitting the nomination).
This award recognises a stand-out Marine Rescue volunteer under the age of 28 who has shown exceptional qualities and has made a remarkable contribution in the last 12 months.
Nominees must be:
Nominations must outline how the nominee’s actions have benefited their teammates, DFES and/or the community and address one or more of the following:
To meet the criteria at least one example must be from a project or incident which occurred after 31 March 2024.
Nominations may also include supporting evidence such as a relevant referee statement/s, photos or videos that help address the criteria and will provide further context for the judging panel.
All nominations must include the name of a supervisor (Brigade, Group or Unit Leader, Area Officer or District Officer) who can endorse and support the nomination claims.
Please note this cannot be the nominator (the person submitting the nomination).
This award recognises the achievements of a volunteer under the age of 28 who has accomplished significant goals and made a positive impact to the State Emergency Service.
Nominees must be:
Nominations must include how the nominee’s actions have benefited their unit, DFES and/or the community and address one or more of the following:
To meet the criteria at least one example must be from a project or incident which occurred after 31 March 2024.
Nominations may also include supporting evidence such as a relevant referee statement/s, photos or videos that help address the criteria and will provide further context for the judging panel.
All nominations must include the name of a supervisor (Brigade, Group or Unit Leader, Area Officer or District Officer) who can endorse and support the nomination claims.
Please note this cannot be the nominator (the person submitting the nomination).
This award recognises a career firefighter, senior firefighter or station officer who has shown dedication to duty beyond normal expectations in the past 12 months.
Nominees must be:
Nominations must outline how the nominee’s actions have benefited their team, DFES and/or the community and address one or more of the following:
To meet the criteria at least one example must be from a project or incident which occurred after 31 March 2024.
Nominations may also include supporting evidence such as a relevant referee statement/s, photos or videos that help address the criteria and will provide further context for the judging panel.
All nominations must include the name of a supervisor (line manager or member of a higher rank) who can endorse and support the nomination claims.
Please note this cannot be the nominator (the person submitting the nomination).
This award recognises a uniformed operational DFES employee who has made an outstanding contribution to the emergency services in the past 12 months.
Nominees must be:
Nominations must outline how the nominee’s actions have benefited their colleagues, DFES and/or the community and address one or more of the following:
To meet the criteria at least one example must be from a project or incident which occurred after 31 March 2024.
Nominations may also include supporting evidence such as a relevant referee statement/s, photos or videos that help address the criteria and will provide further context for the judging panel.
All nominations must include the name of a supervisor (line manager or member of a higher rank) who can endorse and support the nomination claims.
Please note this cannot be the nominator (the person submitting the nomination).
This award recognises a DFES corporate staff member who has shown dedication to their role beyond normal expectation in the past 12 months.
Nominees must be:
Nominations must outline how the nominee’s actions have benefited their colleagues, DFES and/or the community and address one or more of the following:
To meet the criteria at least one example must be from a project or incident which occurred after 31 March 2024.
Nominations may also include supporting evidence such as a relevant referee statement/s, photos or videos that help address the criteria and will provide further context for the judging panel.
All nominations must include the name of a supervisor (line manager or member of a higher rank) who can endorse and support the nomination claims.
Please note this cannot be the nominator (the person submitting the nomination).
This award is the highest individual honour one can receive in Marine Rescue. It is presented to a volunteer who has made an exemplary contribution to Marine Rescue in the last 12 months.
Nominees must be:
Nominations must outline how the nominee’s actions have benefited their teammates, DFES and/or the community and address one or more of the following:
To meet the criteria at least one example must be from a project or incident which occurred after 31 March 2024.
Nominations may also include supporting evidence such as a relevant referee statement/s, photos or videos that help address the criteria and will provide further context for the judging panel.
All nominations must include the name of a supervisor (Brigade, Group or Unit Leader, Area Officer or District Officer) who can endorse and support the nomination claims.
Please note this cannot be the nominator (the person submitting the nomination).
This award is the highest individual honour one can receive as a Bush Fire Service volunteer. It is presented to a volunteer who has gone above and beyond what is expected of them and made an exceptional contribution in the last 12 months.
Nominees must be:
Nominations must outline how the nominee’s actions have benefited their teammates, DFES and/or the community and address one or more of the following:
To meet the criteria at least one example must be from a project or incident which occurred after 31 March 2024.
Nominations may also include supporting evidence such as a relevant referee statement/s, photos or videos that help address the criteria and will provide further context for the judging panel.
All nominations must include the name of a brigade officer or relevant Local Government delegated supervisor who can endorse and support the nomination claims.
Please note this cannot be the nominator (the person submitting the nomination).
This award recognises a dedicated State Emergency Service volunteer who has made an exemplary contribution to the service and community, specifically in the last 12 months.
Nominees must be:
Nominations must outline how the nominee’s actions have gone beyond the call of duty in demonstrating a high level of dedication and commitment to the SES, DFES and/or the community and address one or more of the following:
To meet the criteria at least one example must be from a project or incident which occurred after 31 March 2024.
Nominations may also include supporting evidence such as a relevant referee statement/s, photos or videos that help address the criteria and will provide further context for the judging panel.
All nominations must include the name of a supervisor (Brigade, Group or Unit Leader, Area Officer or District Officer) who can endorse and support the nomination claims.
Please note this cannot be the nominator (the person submitting the nomination).
This award is the highest individual honour for Volunteer Fire and Emergency Services volunteers. It is presented to a volunteer who has gone above and beyond what is expected of them and made an exceptional contribution over the past 12 months.
Nominees must be:
Nominations must outline how the nominee’s actions have benefited their teammates, DFES and/or the community and address one or more of the following:
To meet the criteria at least one example must be from a project or incident which occurred after 31 March 2024.
Nominations may also include supporting evidence such as a relevant referee statement/s, photos or videos that help address the criteria and will provide further context for the judging panel.
All nominations must include the name of a supervisor (Brigade, Group or Unit Leader, Area Officer or District Officer) who can endorse and support the nomination claims.
Please note this cannot be the nominator (the person submitting the nomination).
This award is the highest individual honour for Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service volunteers. It is presented to a volunteer who has gone above and beyond what is expected of them and made an exceptional contribution over the past 12 months.
Nominees must be:
Nominations must outline how the nominee’s actions have benefited their teammates, DFES and/or the community and address one or more of the following:
To meet the criteria at least one example must be from a project or incident which occurred after 31 March 2024.
Nominations may also include supporting evidence such as a relevant referee statement/s, photos or videos that help address the criteria and will provide further context for the judging panel.
All nominations must include the name of a supervisor (Brigade, Group or Unit Leader, Area Officer or District Officer) who can endorse and support the nomination claims.
Please note this cannot be the nominator (the person submitting the nomination).
This award acknowledges a volunteer brigade, team or taskforce who together have made a real difference in their community over the past 12 months.
Nominees must be active members of the Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service, Bush Fire Service or Volunteer Fire and Emergency Services to be eligible.
Nominations must outline how the teams’ actions have benefited DFES and/or the community and address one or more of the following:
To meet the criteria at least one example must be from a project or incident which occurred after 31 March 2024.
Nominations may also include supporting evidence such as a relevant referee statement/s, photos or videos that help address the criteria and will provide further context for the judging panel.
All nominations must include the name of a supervisor (Brigade, Group or Unit Leader, Area Officer or District Officer) who can endorse and support the nomination claims.
Please note this cannot be the nominator (the person submitting the nomination).
This award recognises a group who has excelled in all aspects of volunteering for Marine Rescue in Western Australia. It is presented to a group who together have made an outstanding contribution in the past 12 months.
Nominees must be active, operational members of Marine Rescue Western Australia.
Nominations must outline how the teams’ actions have benefited DFES and/or the community and address one or more of the following:
To meet the criteria at least one example must be from a project or incident which occurred after 31 March 2024.
Nominations may also include supporting evidence such as a relevant referee statement/s, photos or videos that help address the criteria and will provide further context for the judging panel.
All nominations must include the name of a supervisor (Brigade, Group or Unit Leader, Area Officer or District Officer) who can endorse and support the nomination claims.
Please note this cannot be the nominator (the person submitting the nomination).
This award recognises a team or group of State Emergency Service volunteers who have collectively served the communities of WA and worked together to complete either a project or significant operational response in the past 12 months.
Nominees must be active members of the Western Australian SES.
Nominations must outline how the SES unit or team has initiated a new idea, worked collectively to achieve outstanding results in a particular area or undertaken a community awareness project and address one or more of the following:
To meet the criteria at least one example must be from a project or incident which occurred after 31 March 2024.
Nominations may also include supporting evidence such as a relevant referee statement/s, photos or videos that help address the criteria and will provide further context for the judging panel.
All nominations must include the name of a supervisor (Brigade, Group or Unit Leader, Area Officer or District Officer) who can endorse and support the nomination claims.
Please note this cannot be the nominator (the person submitting the nomination).
This award recognises a team of DFES staff who together have made an outstanding contribution to emergency services in Western Australia in the past 12 months.
Nominees must be:
Nominations must outline how the nominee’s actions have benefited DFES and/or the community and address one or more of the following:
To meet the criteria at least one example must be from a project or incident which occurred after 31 March 2024.
Nominations may also include supporting evidence such as a relevant referee statement/s, photos or videos that help address the criteria and will provide further context for the judging panel.
All nominations must include the name of a supervisor (line manager or member of a higher rank) who can endorse and support the nomination claims.
Please note this cannot be the nominator (the person submitting the nomination).
The WAFES Awards are an opportunity to acknowledge the outstanding achievements of DFES staff and volunteers throughout Western Australia. They help define, encourage and reinforce aspirations, ideals and standards by identifying role models in the community.
We give awards to recognise and celebrate those who are helping to achieve a safer State.
People who nominate a successful 2025 WAFES Awards finalist will receive an invitation to the WAFES Awards gala dinner to be held in August.
Whether you’re a fellow volunteer, DFES staff member, or member of the community, any Western Australian can nominate an individual or team for a WAFES Award.
Click here to view the full nomination guide including some sample nominations to help you get started.
Step 1: Decide who to nominate
When thinking about who to nominate ask yourself:
Step 2: Select the right award
Review each award including eligibility and criteria and select the award that your nominee meets the requirements for.
For more information read the terms and conditions in the ‘Additional information’ section below.
Step 3: Plan your nomination
Don’t just say your nominee is outstanding, prove it!
The key to a strong nomination is providing specific information that demonstrates how the individual or team has gone above and beyond to keep the community safe.
Start planning out your nomination by considering a few key questions.
What did the nominee do?
How did they do it?
What were the results and impact?
Step 4: Write your nomination
One way to approach this is starting with a statement explaining why the nominee deserves recognition. Support this statement with examples of incidents/projects or events that occurred within the last 12 months, addressing the award criteria.
For your nomination to stand out against others, you must include evidence of what makes your nominee so exceptional. Judges can only assess the nomination based on the information you provide, so be specific.
Things to avoid
The most common mistake people make when writing nominations is describing the nominee’s actions or contributions in a way that suggests they were just going about their regular duties. Instead, focus on what makes your nominee stand out from the pack and how they have gone above and beyond to make a difference.
Step 5: Supporting documents
Nominations may also include supporting evidence such as a relevant referee statement from someone who knows the nominee and their work or photos and videos that help address the criteria.
Step 6: Select your endorser
All nominations must include the name of a supervisor who can endorse and support the claims in the nomination. Details on eligible endorsers can be found in the above awards section.
Remember as the nominator you cannot endorse the nomination, even if you are the supervisor.
Click on the ‘Nominate now’ link below.
Follow the prompts and enter all the required information including your nomination, any supporting documents and endorser details.
Once your nomination is complete click the ‘Submit entry’ button. You will receive an email when your nomination has been successful submitted.
Remember you don’t have to complete your nomination in one go, it can be saved and submitted at a later time. You can also update your nomination at any time before the closing date.
If you need help submitting your nomination online email
Nominations open
Monday 3 February
Nominations close
Monday 31 March 2024 at 9am
Wednesday 16 April to Thursday 1 May
Finalists announced
Monday 19 May
Winners announced
WAFES Awards gala dinner, Friday 29 August
Judging panels made up of DFES staff, volunteer association representatives, previous WAFES Awards finalists and winners and independent community members review and rate all nominations on a scale of 1 to 10, depending on how the nominee satisfies the criteria.
Up to three finalists can be selected by the judging panel with one of these being the winner.
As well as being recognised and celebrated at the WAFES awards gala dinner, finalists and winners receive some great prizes.
Volunteers who are selected as finalists and winners in individual, young person or team awards receive a cash prize.
Winners of the volunteer and staff young person and individual awards also receive an invitation to attend the 2026 AFAC Conference.
Click here to view the 2025 WAFES Awards terms and conditions.
Firefighting Youth Achievement Award
Chais O’Dwyer, Kununurra Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service
Marine Rescue Youth Achievement Award
Tristan Rausch, Marine Rescue Geraldton
State Emergency Service Youth Achievement Award
Jack Watson, Tom Price State Emergency Service
DFES Staff Team Achievement Award
Asset Design and Fleet Delivery
State Emergency Service Team Achievement Award
Gary Littlewood and Maxine Burrell, Bassendean State Emergency Service
Firefighting Team Achievement Award
Broome Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service
Marine Rescue Team Achievement Award
Marine Rescue Esperance
DFES Operational Staff Individual Achievement Award
Bec Benson
DFES Corporate Staff Individual Achievement Award
Kathleen Colgate
Career Fire and Rescue Service Individual Achievement Award
Mark Papadopoff, Station Officer
Marine Rescue Individual Achievement Award
Cameron Bell, Marine Rescue Dampier
Peter Keillor Award
Danny Jeater, Swan State Emergency Service
Volunteer Fire and Emergency Services Individual Achievement Award
Jessica Jenkins, Marble Bar Volunteer Fire and Emergency Services
Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service Individual Achievement Award
Tom Kusters, Lancelin Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service
Murray Lang Bush Fire Service Award
Anthony Mort, Cuballing/Popanyinning Bush Fire Brigade
Firefighting Youth Achievement Award
Zoe Creach, Fitzroy Crossing Volunteer Fire and Emergency Services
Marine Rescue Youth Achievement Award
Marine Rescue Dampier
State Emergency Service Youth Achievement Award
Anjuli Till, Kalgoorlie-Boulder State Emergency Service
DFES Staff Team Achievement Award
Community Liaison Unit
State Emergency Service Team Achievement Award
Southwest / Lower Southwest Vertical Rescue Team
Firefighting Team Achievement Award
Fitzroy Crossing Volunteer Fire and Emergency Services
Marine Rescue Team Achievement Award
Marine Rescue Jurien Bay
DFES Operational Staff Individual Achievement Award
Simon Miller
DFES Corporate Staff Individual Achievement Award
Scott Hares
Career Fire and Rescue Service Individual Achievement Award
Martin Sellar
Marine Rescue Individual Achievement Award
Krisma May, Marine Rescue Broome
Peter Keillor Award
Leonie Briggs, Canine Unit State Emergency Service
Volunteer Fire and Emergency Services Individual Achievement Award
Alex Espey, SWORD Volunteer Fire and Emergency Services
Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service Individual Achievement Award
Ian MacGregor, Toodyay Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service
Murray Lang Bush Fire Service Award
Glenys Malatesta, Gelorup Bush Fire Brigade
Firefighting Youth Achievement Award
Ayden Stenton, Glen Forrest Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade
Marine Rescue Youth Achievement Award
James Cotter, Marine Rescue Carnarvon
State Emergency Service Youth Achievement Award
Cassidy Kempster, Northshore State Emergency Service
Career Fire and Rescue Service Individual Achievement Award
Tony Gaynor, Station Officer Rockingham Fire Station
DFES Operational Staff Individual Achievement Award
Peter Thomas, District Officer Fire Capes
DFES Corporate Staff Individual Achievement Award
Lurline Byles, Coordinator Digital Communications
Marine Rescue Individual Achievement Award
Emmie Burton, Marine Rescue Dampier
Murray Lang Bush Fire Service Award
Edwin Bland, Bridgetown Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade
Peter Keillor Award
Colin Nicholson (deceased), Collie State Emergency Service
Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service Individual Achievement Award
Craig Doyle, Broome Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service
Firefighting Team Achievement Award
Gelorup Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade
Marine Rescue Team Achievement Award
Marine Rescue Jurien Bay
State Emergency Service Team Achievement Award
SWORD State Emergency Service
Youth Achievement Awards
Firefighting Youth Achievement Award: Jay Dwyer, Quinns Rock Bush Fire Brigade
Marine Rescue Award for Youth Achievement or Contribution to Youth Development: Zac Berglund, Marine Rescue Dampier
State Emergency Service Youth Achievement Award: James Cotter, Carnarvon State Emergency Service
Individual Achievement Awards
Career Fire and Rescue Service Award: Rik Fennell, Joondalup Fire and Rescue Service
DFES Operational Award for Outstanding Individual Contribution: Andrew Thompson, Lower South West Regional Office
DFES Corporate Award for Outstanding Individual Contribution: Nicola O'Callaghan, Marine Services
Marine Rescue Award for Outstanding Individual Contribution: Alex Williams ESM, Marine Rescue Walpole
Murray Lang Bush Fire Service Award: James Taylor, Broome Regional Bush Fire Brigade
Peter Keillor Award: Connie Eikelboom ESM, Armadale State Emergency Service
Volunteer Fire and Emergency Services Award: Simone Conklin, Eucla Volunteer Fire and Emergency Services
Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service Award: Sheree Lowe, Merredin Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service
Team Achievement Awards
Firefighting Team Achievement Award: Kalbarri Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service
Marine Rescue Award for Outstanding Group Operations: Marine Rescue Albany
State Emergency Service Team Achievement Award: Communications Support Unit
Youth Achievement awards
Firefighting Youth Achievement Award: Jordan McIntosh, Bunbury Bush Fire Brigade
Marine Rescue Award for Youth Achievement or Contribution to Youth Development: Thomas Knight, Marine Rescue Port Walcott
State Emergency Service Youth Achievement Award: Jeremiah Peters, Mt Barker State Emergency Service
Individual Achievement awards
Career Fire and Rescue Service Award: Senior Firefighter Michael Hatfield, Midland Fire and Rescue Service
DFES Operational Award for Outstanding Individual Contribution: Mark Spatocco, Communications Centre
DFES Corporate Award for Outstanding Individual Contribution: Shelley Staff, Enterprise Risk Management
Marine Rescue Award for Outstanding Individual Contribution: Graham Martin, Marine Rescue Rockingham
Murray Lang Bush Fire Service Award: Murray McGregor, Northam Central and Irishtown BFB
Peter Keillor Award: Tania Millar, Mandurah State Emergency Service
Volunteer Fire and Emergency Services Award: No recipient in 2020
Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service Award: Melanie McGoldrick, Lancelin Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service
Team Achievement awards
Firefighting Team Achievement Award: Roleystone Volunteer Fire Brigade
Marine Rescue Award for Outstanding Group Operations: Marine Rescue Coral Bay and Marine Rescue Exmouth
State Emergency Service Team Achievement Award: Newman State Emergency Service
Youth Achievement awards
Firefighting Youth Achievement Award: Jarred Kowal, Bunbury Bush Fire Brigade
Marine Rescue Award for Youth Achievement or Contribution to Youth Development: Nikki Russell, Cockburn Volunteer Marine Rescue
State Emergency Service Youth Achievement Award: Alex Corinaldesi, Cockburn State Emergency Service
Individual Achievement awards
Career Fire and Rescue Service Award: Gregory Henry, Senior Firefighter, Perth Fire and Rescue Service
Marine Rescue Award for Outstanding Individual Contribution: Zac Slaughter, Port Hedland Volunteer Marine Rescue
Murray Lang Bush Fire Service Award: Ted Rastrick, Borholm Bush Fire Brigade
Peter Keillor Award: Simon Davidson, Tom Price State Emergency Service
Volunteer Fire and Emergency Services Award: Hubertus Vink, Halls Creek Volunteer Fire and Emergency Services
Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service Award: Phillip Leach, Broome Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service
Team Achievement awards
Firefighting Team Achievement Award: Kalgoorlie Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service
Marine Rescue Award for Outstanding Group Operations: Shark Bay Volunteer Marine Rescue
State Emergency Service Team Achievement Award: Peel/Harvey Recruitment Team
Youth Achievement awards
Firefighting Youth Achievement Award: Callum O’Connell, Tom Price Emergency Services Cadet Corp
Marine Rescue Award for Youth Achievement or Contribution to Youth Development: No recipient in 2018
State Emergency Service Youth Achievement Award: Sarah Hamilton, Belmont/Victoria Park State Emergency Service
Individual Achievement awards
Career Fire and Rescue Service Award: Philip Brandrett, District Officer, Lower South West Regional Office
Marine Rescue Award for Outstanding Individual Contribution: Jeff Howe ESM, Volunteer Marine Rescue WA
Murray Lang Bush Fire Service Award: Bradley Warr, Dwellingup Bush Fire Brigade
Peter Keillor Award: Stephen Faulkner, Wanneroo Joondalup State Emergency Service
Volunteer Fire and Emergency Services Award: Chris Unstead, Bullsbrook Volunteer Fire and Emergency Service
Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service Award: Gyula Bogar, Boyup Brook Volunteer Fire and Rescue
Team Achievement awards
Firefighting Team Achievement Award: Tom Price Bush Fire Brigade/Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service Brigade
Marine Rescue Award for Outstanding Group Operations: Fremantle Volunteer Sea Rescue Group
State Emergency Service Team Achievement Award: National Disaster Rescue Challenge WA State Emergency Service Team
Youth Achievement awards
Firefighting Youth Achievement Award: No recipient in 2017
Marine Rescue Award for Youth Achievement or Contribution to Youth Development: Jamie Jones, Geraldton Volunteer Search and Rescue
State Emergency Service Youth Achievement Award: Brayden Dilley, Kalamunda State Emergency Service
Individual awards
Career Fire and Rescue Service Award: Andrew Seuren, Regional Operations Support Officer, South Coastal Regional Office
Marine Rescue Award for Outstanding Individual Contribution: Christine Heu, Jurien Bay Volunteer Marine Rescue
Murray Lang Bush Fire Service Award: Will Carmody, Cascade Bush Fire Brigade
Peter Keillor Award: Robert Palmer, Mundaring State Emergency Service
Volunteer Fire and Emergency Services Award: Richard Oman, Fitzroy Crossing Volunteer Fire and Emergency Service
Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service Award: Warren Schofield, Derby Fire and Rescue Service
Team awards
Firefighting Team Achievement Award: Argyle Irishtown Bush Fire Brigade
Marine Rescue Award for Outstanding Group Operations: Coral Bay Volunteer Sea Search and Rescue
State Emergency Service Team Achievement Award: Esperance State Emergency Service
Youth Achievement awards
Firefighting Youth Achievement Award: Struan Graham, Wanneroo Central Bush Fire Brigade
Marine Rescue Award for Youth Achievement or Contribution to Youth Development: Ryan Godfrey, Busselton Volunteer Marine Rescue Group
State Emergency Service Youth Achievement Award: Mary-Therese Shanks, Mandurah State Emergency Service
Individual Achievement awards
Career Fire and Rescue Service Award: Stuart Parks, Midland Career Fire and Rescue
Marine Rescue Award for Outstanding Individual Contribution: Barb Walton, Mandurah Volunteer Marine Rescue
Murray Lang Bush Fire Service Award: Blake Halford, Gibson Bush Fire Brigade
Peter Keillor Award: Keith Squibb, Hedland State Emergency Service
Volunteer Fire and Emergency Services Award: Jack Jones, Onslow Volunteer Emergency Services
Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service Award: Anthony Crudeli, Mullewa Fire and Rescue Service
Team Achievement awards
Marine Rescue Award for Outstanding Group Operations: Port Walcott Sea Search and Rescue
State Emergency Service Team Achievement Award: Bunbury State Emergency Service
Firefighting Team Achievement Award: Bremer Bay Volunteer Fire and Emergency Service
Youth Achievement awards
Firefighting Youth Achievement Award: Matthew Holland, Witchcliffe Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service and Bush Fire Service
Marine Rescue Award for Youth Achievement or Contribution to Youth Development: Adam Farmer, Cadet Mandurah Water Rescue Group
State Emergency Service Youth Achievement Award: Kirsten Beidatsch, Mt Barker State Emergency Service
Individual Achievement awards
Career Fire and Rescue Service Award: Martin Cable, Kalgoorlie Fire and Rescue Service
Marine Rescue Award for Outstanding Individual Contribution: Alex Williams, Walpole Volunteer Marine Rescue Group
Murray Lang Bush Fire Service Award: Terri Kowal, Bunbury Bush Fire Brigade
Peter Keillor Award: Jane Campbell, Bayswater State Emergency Service
Volunteer Fire and Emergency Services Award: Frazer McGregor and Sandra Lymbery, Coral Bay Volunteer Fire and Emergency Service
Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service Award: Deirdre Marchese, Kambalda Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service
Team Achievement awards
Marine Rescue Award for Outstanding Group Operations: Albany Sea Rescue Squad
State Emergency Service Team Achievement Award: Manjimup State Emergency Service
Youth Achievement Awards
Firefighting Youth Achievement Award: Kellie Bullen, Broome Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service
State Emergency Service Youth Achievement Award: Meggan Miller, Mandurah State Emergency Service
Individual Achievement Awards
Career Fire and Rescue Service Award: Garth Civil, Perth Fire and Rescue Service
Marine Rescue Award for Outstanding Individual Contribution: Barry Kennewell, Kalbarri Sea Search and Rescue
Murray Lang Bush Fire Service Award: Matthew Thompson, Boddington Bush Fire Brigade
Peter Keillor Award: Steve Cable ESM, Kalbarri State Emergency Service
Volunteer Fire and Emergency Services Award: Kenn McLeod, Fitzroy Crossing Volunteer Emergency Service
Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service Award: Stephen Manning, Cue Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service
Team Achievement Awards
State Emergency Service Team Achievement Award: Karratha and Roebourne State Emergency Service Units
Youth Achievement Awards
Firefighting Youth Achievement Award: Matthew Bartels, Morangup Bush Fire Brigade
Marine Rescue Award for Youth Achievement or Contribution to Youth Development: Iesha Gaitskell, Carnarvon Volunteer Sea Rescue Group
State Emergency Service Youth Achievement Award: Melusha Robson, Communications Support Unit
Individual Achievement Awards
Career Fire and Rescue Service Award: John Landwehr, JAFFA Program
Marine Rescue Award for Outstanding Individual Contribution: Roger Martin, Mandurah Volunteer Marine Rescue
Murray Lang Bush Fire Service Award: David Hasted, Ivanhoe Bush Fire Brigade
Peter Keillor Award: Martin Hale, Bayswater State Emergency Service
Volunteer Fire and Emergency Services Award: Laurie Hull, Tambellup Volunteer Emergency Service
Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service Award: Darren Smith, Wagin Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service
Team Achievement Awards
Marine Rescue Award for Outstanding Group Operations: Shark Bay Volunteer Marine Rescue
State Emergency Service Team Achievement Award: Bayswater State Emergency Service Bike Team
Youth Achievement Awards
Firefighting Youth Achievement Award: Joshua Lourenco, Bassendean Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service and Nathan Ramage, South Coogee Bush Fire Brigade
Marine Rescue Award for Youth Achievement or Contribution to Youth Development: Busselton Volunteer Sea Rescue Group
State Emergency Service Youth Achievement Award: Ben Gardiner, Busselton State Emergency Service
Individual Achievement Awards
Career Fire and Rescue Service Award: Geoffrey O’Day, Osborne Park Fire and Rescue Service
Marine Rescue Award for Outstanding Individual Contribution: Merry Hide, Leeman Marine Rescue
Murray Lang Bush Fire Service Award: Peter Summers, Dongara/Irwin South Bush Fire Brigade
Peter Keillor Award: Keith Drayton, Cockburn State Emergency Service
Volunteer Fire and Emergency Services Award: John Iffla, Bremer Bay Volunteer Emergency Service
Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service Award: Maxine O’Connell and Christopher O’Connell, Tom Price Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service
Team Achievement Awards
Marine Rescue Award for Outstanding Group Operations: Broome Volunteer Sea Rescue Group
State Emergency Service Team Achievement Award: Kununurra State Emergency Service
If you have any questions about the awards please email