DFES hosts significant events to honour current and past firefighters and to foster a positive and collaborative partnership amongst volunteers and staff.
Information is available here on the key events that DFES hosts annually.
The WA Fire and Emergency Services (WAFES) Conference is an annual event that celebrates the collaboration and camaraderie of our emergency services as we work towards creating a safer State.
International Firefighters’ Day is observed on 4 May each year, to coincide with the feast of St. Florian, the patron saint of all firefighters.
On this day we pay our respects to volunteer and career firefighters who have lost their lives in the line of duty. It also provides an opportunity to acknowledge current and past firefighters for their extraordinary commitment, exceptional courage, and selfless pledge to serve their community.
Explore the history and significance of the Firefighters' Memorial Grove, the Honour Roll and the memorial service in this video.
To further commemorate our firefighters the Firefighters’ Memorial Grove was unveiled on July 23rd, 2000, in Kings Park to mark the centenary of fire services in WA and honour the contribution of career and volunteer firefighters in protecting our State.
The memorial in comprised of a life size bronze casting of two firefighters, a low granite wall containing a commemorative script and a landscaped pathway, which combines to create a connection between the existing and new elements within the Grove.
The purpose of the two statues is to recognise the contribution of all firefighters both past and present, the deep respect and gratitude that the community holds for our firefighters and the respect and admiration that firefighters hold for each other. It reflects the support firefighters provide each other while facing some of the most challenging and hazardous environments.
The Firefighters’ Memorial Grove is a place of contemplation, a place to reflect on cherished memories and a place that celebrates the ongoing dedication of our valued firefighters.
The Fallen Firefighters’ Honour Roll commemorates Western Australian career and volunteer firefighters who have lost their lives serving the community. Their contribution and service to the Western Australian community will always be remembered.
Those on the Honour Roll are engraved on the Firefighters Memorial Grove in Kings Park and included below.
Nominations for inclusion on the Fallen Firefighters’ Honour Roll can be made at any time. However, names to be included at the Memorial Service of the current year must be made by the first working day of that year. For further information or to lodge a nomination, please email eventsandawards@dfes.wa.gov.au.
DFES continues to conduct ongoing research to compile a record of all known firefighters who have died in the line of duty. Anyone who has any information that can help this research, would like to nominate someone for the Honour Roll, have any corrections or would like to provide a photograph of a loved one, please email eventsandawards@dfes.wa.gov.au.
Died of heart attack while fighting Baldivis fire.
Died while damping down Yornup fire.
Died in road accident while burning verges in Gingin.
Died fighting Two Peoples Bay fire.
Died from accident during Shannon River burn-off.
Firefighter with Kalgoorlie Fire Station.
Served at Fremantle Fire Station.
Senior Firefighter at Daglish Fire Station.
Died fighting prescribed burn at Burnside Block.
Migrated to WA from Scotland in 1920.
War Veteran and Former Police Officer.
Senior firefighter at Fremantle Fire Station.
Died fighting Cascade Scaddan fire.
Died doing off-road vehicle training.
Served at the North Fremantle Fire Station
Station Officer at Hope Valley Fire Station.
Died fighting fire near Albany.
Electrocuted at the North Kalgoorlie Fire Station.
Died in accident at speed-reel training event in Toodyay.
Died during planned burn.
Died from a hemorrhage and pulmonary oedema partly provoked by smoke inhalation from Manjimup burn-off.
Died from stroke while fighting Two Peoples Bay fire.
Died in road crash while on duty.
Died after road crash during Kelmscott burn-off.
Joined DFES in 2003.
Controlled the Fremantle and Kalgoorlie fire stations before attaining the rank of Deputy Chief Officer at Central Perth Fire Station.
Died fighting fire near Nannup.
Died in road crash in thick smoke while fighting Chidlow fire.
A First Class Firefighter who died aged 54.
Died from fractured skull during Bibra Lake fire.
Died in Quinninup bushfire.
Joined the Air Force during World War II before returning to the fire brigade at the end of the war.
Died from coronary thrombosis at North Perth Fire Station
Died fighting prescribed burn at Burnside Block.
Died fighting fire near Nannup.
District Officer in Albany.
Fought fires for 43 years.
Died in vehicle-training accident in Yanchep.
Died on duty.
Died of fractured skull at Claremont Fire Station.
Station Officer at Malaga Fire Station.
Joined the WA Fire Brigade in 1990.
Died in North Perth fire.
Died transporting water to Oldfield River fire.
Died from fall while helping SES volunteers secure a damaged roof.
Died fighting fire near Nannup.
Joined the WA Fire Service in 2003.
Joined the Bush Fire Service in Narrogin.
Died fighting Kenderup fire.
Member of the Kalamunda South Volunteer Fire Brigade.
Joined the fire brigade in 1957.
Allan was a lover of life and loved by all.
Senior Firefighter at Albany Fire Station.
Died in road crash on way to incident.
Senior firefighter at Kensington Fire Station.
Joined the WA Fire Brigade in 1966.
Joined the WA Fire Service in 2004.
Senior Building Fire Safety Officer.
Station Officer at the Geraldton Fire and Rescue Station.
Officer in charge at North Fremantle Fire Station
Joined the WA Fire Brigade in 1970.
Died fighting Greenbushes fire.
Died in road crash while fighting Fitzgerald River National Park fire.
Died fighting Canning River fire.
Died from falling tree limb in aftermath to fire near Walpole.
Worked at Success Fire Station for more than 10 years.
Died fighting Serpentine fire.
Migrated from England in 1966.
Training Officer with the Darlington Volunteer Fire Brigade.
Died fighting bushfire.
Station Officer at Belmont Fire Station.
Died in road accident while fighting Lancelin fire.
Member of the Mumballup Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade.
A bootmaker before joining the fire brigade in 1925.
Loyal and dedicated Firefighter.
Joined the Department of Fire and Emergency Services in 2009.
Mt Barker Farmer and Former Police Officer.
Member of the Mundaring Joint Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service Brigade/Bush Fire Brigade.
Member of the Wainering Volunteer Bushfire Brigade.
Former volunteer who was the Superintendent of the Bunbury Fire Station.
A member of the Second Australian Imperial Force during World War II.
Died at the Kalgoorlie fire station.
Joined the WA Fire Brigade in 2013.
Died of heart attack while fighting Kwinana fire.
Joined the WA Fire Brigade in 1999.
Died from electrocution in East Fremantle fire.
Died during Wickepin burn-off.
Albany volunteer and former Liverpool FC player
Joined WA Fire Brigade in 1925.
Joined the WA Fire Brigade in 1970.
Died fighting fire near Nannup.
Volunteer firefighter 'Razor' Winfield, Yalgoo hero, died in line of duty.
In honour of International Firefighters’ Day, DFES hosts a memorial service at the Firefighters’ Memorial Grove in Kings Park.
All current and retired DFES personnel, volunteers, families and friends are invited to attend the service to remember and pay their respects. Please note RSVP for all attendees is essential.
Date Sunday 4 May 2025
Time 11am arrival for 11:15am service
Venue Firefighters’ Memorial Grove, Forrest Drive, Kings Park
Dress General public and non-uniformed guests – smart dress with medals
Uniformed personnel – refer to dress code here
RSVP Click here to register your attendance by Tuesday 22 April 2025
Services will also be held in Busselton on Saturday 3 May and Northam on Saturday 10 May.
For those unable to attend, the Perth service will be livestreamed at dfes.wa.gov.au/IFFD.