
20 February 2025
Disaster assistance available for Pilbara communities impacted by the cyclone and subsequent flooding in February 2025.

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8 November 2024
Disaster assistance available for Northampton communities impacted by the heavy rainfall and flooding in June 2024.

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2 September 2024
Disaster assistance available for the City of Greater Geraldton following flooding in June 2024.

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Read Fact Sheet

About the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements

Natural disasters or terrorist acts can result in large-scale expenditure in the form of emergency and recovery assistance. To assist with this financial burden, the Australian and Western Australian governments have joint arrangements in place to provide financial assistance in certain circumstances. These arrangements are referred to as Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA).

In Western Australia, these arrangements are implemented as the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements Western Australia (DRFAWA). The Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) administers the DRFAWA on behalf of the WA State Government.

Recovery from disasters is a shared responsibility between individuals, households, businesses, communities and governments. The arrangements are designed as a safety net when costs to undertake recovery activities from an eligible disaster become significant. They are not intended to fund every possible relief and recovery measure.

Activation criteria

For assistance to be made available under the DRFAWA, the event must meet all three of the following criteria:

  1. The event was one or a combination of the ten specified disasters including bushfire, earthquake, flood, storm, cyclone, storm surge, landslide, tsunami, meteorite strike, tornado; or the event was a terrorist act.
  2. A coordinated, multi-agency response was required.
  3. Eligible expenditure relating to emergency assistance, damage to essential public assets and/or other eligible assistance provided in relation to the event exceeds $240,000 across the affected local government areas.

DFES coordinates all communication with the Australian Government and confirms whether a disaster is deemed eligible. A joint media statement from the Australian and Western Australian governments is released notifying when an eligible disaster has been activated under the DRFAWA and listing the relevant local government areas.

Please refer to the DRFAWA Activation Process Factsheet for further information on what to do if a local government or State Government agency (essential public asset owners/operators) has been impacted or is likely to be impacted by an eligible disaster.

If you represent a local government or State agency that has been impacted by a disaster and believe the above criteria have been met, please complete the DRFAWA Preliminary Event Notification Form that can be accessed using the Recovery Funding Submissions & Enquiry Portal below.

Assistance measures

The types of funding assistance available under the DRFAWA for eligible disasters are referred to as assistance measures and are separated into four categories.

Category A

Includes emergency assistance for communities, individuals and families.

Category B

Includes assistance to small businesses and primary producers, State Government agencies and local governments, including assistance to repair or reconstruct essential public assets and counter-disaster operations.

Category C

Is intended to support a holistic approach to the recovery of regions, communities or sectors severely affected by an eligible disaster. This assistance may be provided via community recovery funds and/or recovery grants for small businesses and primary producers due to exceptional circumstances.

Category D

Assistance is made available to alleviate distress or damage due to exceptional circumstances.

Assistance measures are provided based on the identified needs following the impacts of an eligible disaster and may be different each time the DRFAWA is activated. Category C and D assistance measures are only made available in situations where it can be demonstrated that the impacts caused by the eligible disaster were extraordinary and there is a need for additional assistance to aid the long-term recovery.

Activated Events


Recovery Funding Submissions & Enquiry Portal

This portal should be used for any of the following:

  1. Preliminary Event Notification Form Submission:
    Local Governments or State Government Agencies that are wanting to submit a Preliminary Event Notification Form (PEN) to have the activation of the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements Western Australia (DRFAWA) assessed for a disaster event.
  2. Essential Public Asset Reconstruction Cost Estimate Submission:
    Submit an Essential Public Asset Reconstruction (EPAR) Cost Estimate Submission, including a Damage Assessment Report, Pre–Disaster Condition and Function Evidence and Information, Damage Evidence and Cost Estimate Template.
  3. A general enquiry related to Recovery Funding.
Click here to access the portal


Recovery Funding Enquiries

  • 1800 920 659