Floods cause severe damage and disruptions to households and communities. Find out what to expect after a flood and what action you can take to recover.

If you are seeking information about Kimberley Floods recovery assistance please visit EmergencyWA. You will find information about financial assistance, flood hubs locations and opening hours, and who you can chat with about your situation. Find out more.

What to expect after a flood

Floods can cause severe damage and disruptions to households and communities. Recovery can be difficult, and you may find it emotional and stressful for you and your family. If you live alone, you may want to bring someone with you when you return to home.

Electricity, water, gas and sewerage may not be working. There could also be road and airport closures and loss of communications.

When your home is damaged

Once the flood risk has passed and the warning has been cancelled, you can leave your shelter, but you must do so with caution and follow all of the safety advice in the alert.

Your property may be damaged and unsafe. If you need temporary emergency repairs to make your home safe, call the State Emergency Service on 132 500 to request assistance and/or report this to your local government.

Be aware that calls for assistance are prioritised to assist those most in need first so it might take several hours or even days before assistance may come.

For emergency accommodation and assistance

Insurance, repairs and rebuilding

Contact your insurance company to report any damage or loss as soon as you can. They will need to send an assessor to your property to process your claim. Depending on their advice, you may be able to begin repairs and any rebuilding. Check with your insurance company before you enter a contract with cleaning or repair contractors, to avoid additional bills.

If you are a tenant and have contents insurance contact your insurer, in addition to telling your real estate agent, owner, landlord or Department of Communities.

If you need emergency accommodation, check to see if this is covered in your insurance policy.

If you cannot remember the name of your insurance company or the details are not available, you can contact the Insurance Council of Australia on 1300 728 228.

Emergency accommodation and housing
Let people know your temporary address
Securing your home

Your wellbeing

Your wellbeing is extremely important and it’s completely normal to feel psychological and emotional distress after an emergency situation.

Most people will recover over time with the support of family and friends. However, after a crisis it is often easier to talk to someone who is not involved in the situation and is trained to listen.

Getting back to normal
Assistance with counselling, support and referrals

More Information

Flood overview

Know the risks and understand the importance of preparing for a flood and the steps to take to avoid injury or death.

Learn more

Prepare for a flood

Find out about preparing your flood plan and steps you can take to reduce the impact and damage from floodwaters.

Learn more

During a flood

There are a number of things you can do to keep your property and belongings safe.

Learn more