Staying informed during emergencies

During an emergency, one of the best things you can do for your safety is to keep informed about where the danger is and what action you need to take to stay safe. DFES provides a range of official information sources to help you stay up to date.  

However, no warning system is foolproof and emergencies can be unpredictable. You should always be prepared to take action at the first sign of danger.

Stay alert

Act immediately for your own safety, no matter how you are alerted to a possible emergency.

If you notice any signs of danger, you need to take action. This may mean checking official sources of information or moving immediately to a safer place.

You should never rely on a text message, telephone warning or a knock on your door before taking action to keep yourself or your family safe.

In a life-threatening emergency call 000.

Ways to stay informed

Emergencies can be unexpected, occur suddenly and cause disruptions to power, internet and telecommunications systems.

This is why it’s important you know how to access a range of official information sources during an emergency and take action based on your individual circumstances to stay safe.

Emergency WA is the quickest and easiest way to find emergency information in Western Australia.

Here you will find official alerts and warnings for bushfires, cyclones, floods, storms, hazardous material incidents and more. You can also find information about Total Fire Bans, Fire Danger Ratings and Prescribed Burns.

Emergency WA also provides a near-realtime feed of incidents reported around the State, so if you see signs of a fire or other hazard, you can see if emergency services are already responding.

It’s a good idea to bookmark emergency.wa.gov.au in your web browser or on your mobile device.

Emergency WA has been developed through community research and insights from experienced emergency services personnel, and we are constantly working to improve it for the benefit of the WA community.

To get the RSS or CAP AU feeds for alerts and warnings, Fire Danger Ratings and Total Fire Bans visit EmergencyWA.

Call 13 DFES
Listen to the radio
Service WA
Engage on social media
Get connected

Alerts and warnings

A number of State Government agencies issue alerts and warnings on Emergency WA for a wide range of incidents. These warnings give you the best available advice about the levels of risk and danger and the actions to take to stay safe.

We also rely on you to help us know where an emergency is. If there is a life-threatening emergency, or if you can see smoke or fire and cannot see emergency services nearby, please call 000 to report it.

Bushfire warning levels
Total Fire Ban
Fire Danger Rating
Cyclone warning levels
Flood warning levels
Storm warning levels
HAZMAT and other warnings
Heatwave warning levels

Emergency Alert

In some circumstances DFES may issue an Emergency Alert telephone warning. Emergency Alert is a national telephone warning system which sends voice messages to landlines and text messages to mobile phones within a defined area under immediate threat. Emergency Alert relies on telecommunications networks to send messages, and message delivery cannot be guaranteed.

Emergency Alert is not used in all circumstances. Whether emergency services decide to issue telephone warnings through Emergency Alert will depend on the nature of the incident.

Familiarise yourself with ways to stay informed so you are prepared with a range of information sources during an emergency and remember to check them continuously to stay aware of local conditions.

It is important that you do not rely solely on receiving an official message and should always be aware of what is happening around you, as you could find yourself suddenly in danger. Act decisively the moment you know there is danger.

Standard Emergency Warning Signal

The Standard Emergency Warning Signal (SEWS) is a distinctive audio signal that is broadcast immediately prior to major emergency announcements on the radio, television and other public media.

The purpose of SEWS is to alert the community that an official emergency announcement is about to be made concerning an actual or imminent emergency that has the potential to affect them.

When you hear the tone, you should pay attention. Listen to the announcement and follow any instructions given.

It is strongly advised that you become familiar with the SEWS sound. Click below to listen.

What should I do if I hear the SEWS broadcast?

Australian Warning System

A fire has started but there is no immediate threat to lives or homes.
Be aware and keep
up to date.

There is a possible threat to lives or homes.
You need to leave or get ready to defend – do not wait and see.

There is a threat to lives or homes
You are in danger and need to take immediate action to survive.

Western Australia has joined with other states and territories to deliver nationally consistent emergency information through the implementation of the Australian Warning System. For more information on this please visit the Australian Warning System page.

The AWS is an easy-to-understand warning system to help you stay safe during an emergency, no matter where you are. Recent changes to this system include changes to the bushfire warning colours, as well as new nationally consistent hazard icons on Emergency WA. Over time you’ll see more changes to emergency information as we continue to achieve national consistency across a range of hazards including cyclone, storm and flood.

Frequently asked questions

Where can I find emergency information?
What is an Emergency Alert telephone warning?
A fire is threatening my area. Why didn’t I receive a text message?
How can I find out today’s Fire Danger Rating for my area?
How often are community warnings issued during a bushfire?
Why isn’t there a fire truck at my place when a fire is coming?
What should I do with my evaporative air conditioner during a bushfire?
Who manages bushfires in my area?