DURING A storm

Find out what to expect during a severe storm and actions you can take to stay safe until the storm cancellation has been given.

What to expect

With dark skies, heavy rain, lightning flashes and thunderclaps, storms can be loud and startling, but if you’re prepared you don’t need to be scared.

When a storm is passing through, it’s best that you, your household and your pets stay indoors.

Storms can be especially scary for children, so if you know that a storm is coming then it’s a good idea to talk to them about what to expect.

When a severe weather warning has been issued

  • Follow directions on how to stay safe in the official warning.
  • Remind everyone in your household of your storm plan, including for pets and animals.
  • Prepare your property inside and out, as per advice in the warning level.
  • Locate your emergency kit and add your additional items.  
  • Make sure everyone knows to call 000 in a life-threatening situation.
  • Check on family, friends and neighbours as long as it’s safe to do so.

Travelling during or after a storm

During a severe storm it’s best that you stay indoors, avoid being on the road and park your car undercover.

If you must travel, follow these tips to stay as safe as possible.
Don’t use a boat during a storm

Leaving early for a safer place

If the storm or resulting flooding is threatening your home or property you should relocate to a safer place, if it is safe to do so.  

Leaving at the last minute can be dangerous as roads may be blocked.

When relocating:

In life threatening situations

Even if you have planned well, life threatening situations can still happen. Your shelter could be damaged, or someone could become ill or injured. For life threatening emergencies call 000.

Emergency responders will try to come to your aid. However, there may be delays due to the dangerous conditions.

Wait for the cancellation

Once the storm risk has passed and the warning has been cancelled, you can leave your property, but you must do so with caution and follow all of the safety advice in the official warning.

Your property may be damaged and unsafe. If you need temporary emergency repairs to make your home safe, such as for a badly damaged roof or flooding, call the State Emergency Service on 132 500 to request assistance.

View current alerts

How to stay informed

DFES will provide storm warning updates as the information changes.

Always have your battery powered AM/FM radio with you and listen for emergency broadcasts on local ABC Radio.

More Information

Recovering from a storm

Find out what to expect after a storm and what action you can take to recover.

Learn more

Storm overview

Make sure you know the risks and understand the importance of preparing for storms.

Learn more

Prepare for a storm

Getting yourself and your household storm ready is your responsibility.

Learn more