Direct Brigade Alarm

False fire alarms

Each year, DFES is committed to reducing the number of false fire alarms responded to.

False fire alarms occur when the Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) responds to an alarm activation when there is no fire. False fire alarms cause community disruption, complacency, and business downtime due to evacuations, and divert responders away from genuine emergencies, potentially resulting in loss of life and property.

The Fire Brigades Act of 1942 mandates that DFES respond to a fire call. False fire alarms are classified into two types: those generated by Direct Brigade Alarms and those generated by privately monitored alarms.

In the fiscal year 2022/23, firefighters responded to more than 8,800 false fire alarm activations, which is equivalent to more than 24 false fire alarm responses per day.

False fire alarm fee - fact sheet (PDF - 1.1mb) Managing false fire alarms - fact sheet (PDF - 565kb)
The main causes of false fire alarms
Special notes for building owners
Tips to reduce false fire alarms

Application to waive a false fire alarm fee

If you believe you have been wrongly charged a false fire alarm fee, or received an incorrect notification of attendance email, please complete and submit an application to waive a false fire alarm fee with any relevant supporting documentation within 21 days from the date on the invoice or email. This is in accordance with Section 36ZL (1)(d)(i) of the Fire and Emergency Services Act 1998.

Your application will be assessed, and you will be notified of the outcome in writing.

If you require assistance in implementing strategies to minimise false fire alarm activations speak to a registered and certified alarm installer and review the Managing False Fire Alarms factsheet here.

Step 1

Complete the online application form

Submit an application

Step 2

Submit the online application within 21 days from the date of the invoice or Notification of Attendance email.

Applications can ONLY be accepted from the owner, building manager or other authorised person.

Step 3

Wait for a reply or follow up

False Fire Alarm Administrator
(08) 9395 9823 or

Information to include
Conditions of the application


What is a false fire alarm?
Why did DFES implement a charge for responding to false fire alarms?
What is the aim of introducing the fee?
How much is the fee?
What happens if multiple attendances occur within the same 24 hour period?
When will DFES apply the false fire alarm fee?
Who will receive the invoice?
What if I receive an invoice and I’m not the correct/current owner or occupant of the premises?
What power does DFES have to charge for an attendance to a false fire alarm?
How frequently do false fire alarms occur?
Is Western Australia the only State that charges a fee for attending to false fire alarms?
Whose responsibility is it to maintain a fire alarm system?
What if I don’t agree with an invoice I’ve received?

How to stay informed

More Information

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Built Environment Branch

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