Supporting friends and family in the emergency services can be personally taxing. This page is for family and friends of emergency services personnel, to help you find out what services and support are available to you and your loved one.

What to look out for

Some jobs are tougher than others so make sure you pay attention to your loved one’s behaviour. After a traumatic situation it’s completely normal if they show signs of stress, anxiety or depression, but if these signs are still present after four weeks, they may need extra help.

Here are some signs to look out for:

How you can help

How to start the conversation

Starting a conversation and asking “R U OK?” isn’t always easy, even with those we care about the most.

As part of the Are They Triple OK? campaign, R U OK? has developed a free 10-minute online interactive course for family and friends of emergency services personnel. Learn how to ask “R U OK?” of anyone in your world who you might be worried about, and feel confident in how to respond appropriately and safely if the answer is, “No, I’m not OK.”

Follow this link to start the course now.

Support for your loved one

Support for you

Support for children and young people