Step 1: Select the property use classification of the property

Select a property use classification

Step 2: Select the ESL Category of the property

Select an ESL Category

Step 3: Enter the Gross Rental Value (GRV) of the property


Enter an amount

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Your ESL charge in 2024/25 will be:



If you are eligible for a pensioner or senior rebate on your local government rates, you will be entitled to the same percentage rebate on your ESL charge. Potential ESL rebate amounts for each type of concession are shown below:

State Seniors Card



Pensioner Concession Card



State Concession Card



Both State Seniors Card and Commonwealth Seniors Card



If a concession cardholder is only entitled to a rebate for part of the year or owns the property with a non-concession cardholder, a reduced rebate will apply. ESL rebates may be combined with local government rate rebates and shown as one amount on your rate notice.