Conference registrations

The WAFES Conference is open to State Emergency Service, Volunteer Fire and Emergency Services, Bush Fire Service, Volunteer Fire and Rescue Services and Marine Rescue volunteers as well as DFES employees, including corporate staff and operational personnel.


There is a new nomination process for volunteers attending the WAFES Conference.

This year, there will be no BGU endorsement phase – as there has been previous years. Instead, all volunteers can self-nominate and be considered for a place at the conference.

BGUs and DFES regional offices can also nominate volunteers to attend.

Nominations are now closed. If you would like to attend the conference please reach out to your regional office.

Nominees will then be reviewed and prioritised based on service, region, age and attendance at previous WAFES Conference events.

BGUs will have the opportunity to review volunteers from their teams who have been nominated. A list will be sent to BGU leaders on Thursday 13 June for review by Thursday 20 June.

Volunteer places at the conference will then be allocated in two rounds:

  1. Round one (Friday 28 June to Friday 19 July)
  2. Round two (Tuesday 23 to Tuesday 30 July)

If successful for rounds one or two volunteers will be notified by email and sent a link to register online.

Volunteers remaining on the nomination list after Thursday 1 August will be emailed with last-chance places at the conference and/or awards should they become available*.

To secure one of these places, volunteers must complete their conference and/or awards registration as soon as possible after receiving the email.

Any remaining conference or WAFES Awards gala dinner places, including cancellations, will be filled from the nomination list – so volunteers must complete a conference nomination if they would like to be considered to backfill a cancellation or replace a member from their BGU.

Volunteers who register for the conference agree to attend all sessions on the Saturday conference program and have access to optional events, including Friday tours, the sundowner and the WAFES Awards gala dinner.

*Flight and accommodation options may not be available for regional volunteers accepting last-chance places.

Please note: If you register for the conference and optional events but do not attend all sessions or any other event you have registered for, without prior notice, this may impact your eligibility to attend future WAFES events.

Ensure you read the 2024 WAFES Conference terms and conditions and are aware of your obligations as well as cancellation and non-attendance conditions.

DFES staff

DFES staff can attend the WAFES Conference.

Each DFES command and region has an allocated number of places at the conference.  Command heads and superintendents will endorse a number of staff and personnel to attend.

Endorsements open in May, and endorsed staff and personnel will receive an email with a link to complete their online conference registration by Friday 19 July.

Priority will be given to staff and personnel working closely with volunteers who would benefit from professional networking opportunities.

Those who accept a place at the conference agree to attend all sessions on the Saturday conference program and have access to optional events, including the sundowner and WAFES Awards gala dinner. A fee may apply for those attending the dinner outside of a professional working capacity.

Please see the 2024 WAFES Conference terms and conditions for further details.

WAFES Award finalists and their nominators

Volunteers and DFES staff chosen as finalists in the 2024 WAFES Awards are reserved a place at the conference, in addition to attending the awards gala dinner.

The option to register for the WAFES Conference will also be extended to DFES volunteers and staff members who nominate an awards finalist.

WAFES Awards finalists and their nominators will receive an email with a link to register for the gala dinner. An option to register for the conference will be included as part of this process.

Individual award finalists may bring one guest to the Awards gala dinner. If they are DFES volunteers or staff they will also have the option to register for the conference.

Those who accept a place at the conference agree to attend all sessions on the Saturday conference program and have access to optional events, including a Friday tour and the sundowner.